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Creating and Sharing My ePortfolio


My Growth in
Applied Digital 
Learning through Reflections & Summaries 

Image by (Fayerweather, 2024)

The Final Compilation


In creating my ePortfolio, I used various tools and strategies to make it comprehensive and reflective of my learning journey. I chose a user-friendly platform, integrated multimedia elements, and used frameworks like Fink’s 3 column table and the Understanding by Design Template for structure. I also included interactive elements and a Growth Mindset Plan.


Creating my ePortfolio presented challenges such as choosing the right platform, curating content, dealing with technical difficulties, managing time, writing reflectively, and aligning educational constructs. However, these challenges contributed to my growth as a learner and a professional.


I overcame these challenges through persistence, resourcefulness, and strategic thinking. I conducted thorough research, reflected on my learning goals, utilized online resources, created a detailed schedule, practiced writing regularly, and deepened my understanding of educational constructs.


Collaboration with classmates was crucial in overcoming these challenges. Their feedback, technical support, motivation, and resource sharing enriched my ePortfolio and enhanced my professional development. This collaborative environment was instrumental in navigating the ePortfolio creation process.


In addition to the changes and improvements I made, I also learned valuable lessons throughout the process. Creating my ePortfolio was not just about showcasing my work, but also about reflecting on my learning journey. It was a platform where I could see my growth and development unfold. Every challenge I encountered and overcame was a testament to my resilience and determination.


Moreover, the process of creating the ePortfolio also highlighted the importance of adaptability. With the rapid advancements in technology, being able to learn and adapt is crucial. This project pushed me to explore new tools and technologies, enhancing my technical skills and digital literacy.


Lastly, this experience reinforced the value of feedback and collaboration. The insights and perspectives I gained from my peers were invaluable. It reminded me that learning is not a solitary journey, but a collaborative one. We learn so much more when we learn from each other.


In conclusion, the journey from EDLD 5302 to 5303, reflected in the evolution of my ePortfolio, was filled with learning, growth, and collaboration. It was a testament to my commitment to continuous learning and improvement. I am excited to apply these learnings in my future endeavors.

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