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Installing 4DX with My Organization

Chess Game

(Wix, 2024)

​Discipline 1 Focus on the Wildly Important (WIG): By the end of the academic year, increase student engagement and knowledge retention in online courses by 30% by implementing interactive Adobe Captivate elements in all core curriculum modules. We will measure this by the increase in student participation and the improvement in information retention over time.


Discipline 2 Act on the Lead Measures: Our lead measures are the number, of course, modules enhanced with Adobe Captivate and the number of interactive elements (videos, knowledge check slides, mini quizzes) added to each course.


Discipline 3 Keep a Compelling Scoreboard: We will maintain a digital scoreboard that tracks our lead measures and displays our progress towards the WIG. This will be updated weekly and shared with the team to foster a sense of competition and collaboration.


Discipline 4 Create a Cadence of Accountability: We will establish a routine for daily quick check-ins and hold weekly team meetings where each member reports on their commitments, discusses the scoreboard, and makes new commitments for the next week.


Stages of Change and Key Actions:

  • Getting Clear: We will communicate the WIG, lead measures, and the reasons behind them to the entire team.

    • Key Actions:

  1. Conduct a team meeting to communicate the importance of the WIG.

  2. Identify team members' strengths and assign roles accordingly.

  3. Set up a project management tool to track progress on lead measures.

  • Launch: We will hold a launch event to kick off the implementation of the 4DX, introducing the scoreboard and setting the initial commitments.

    • Key Actions:

  1. Provide Adobe Captivate training for team members.

  2. Develop templates for interactive elements to ensure consistency.

  3. Set up a peer review system for quality control.

  • Adoption: We will ensure everyone understands their role in achieving the WIG and is actively participating in the weekly meetings.

    • Key Actions:

  1. Implement a feedback loop with students and instructors.

  2. Celebrate early wins and share success stories.

  3. Address any technical issues or resistance promptly.

  •  Optimization: We will continuously improve our processes based on feedback and results, and celebrate small wins along the way.

    • Key Actions:

  1. Conduct a mid-project review to identify areas for improvement and adjust if necessary based on progress and feedback.

  2. Develop advanced Adobe Captivate workshops for interested team members.

  3. Create a knowledge base of best practices and lessons learned.

  4. Evolve the scoreboard to include long-term impact metrics (e.g., course completion rates, student satisfaction scores)

  • Habits: We will reinforce the 4DX principles until they become ingrained habits in our team culture.

    • Key Actions:

  1. Develop a sustainability plan for continuing the initiative beyond the initial project.

  2. Create a system for ongoing innovation and improvement in online course design.

  3. Share results and methodologies with other departments or institutions.


Influencer Model and 4DX:

The Influencer Model focuses on changing behaviors through three dimensions: personal, social, and structural. These complement the 4DX by addressing personal motivation (the why behind the WIG), social influence (the weekly meetings and scoreboard), and structural ability (the tools and resources provided to implement the lead measures).


The Influencer Model can be used to address any barriers or resistance to adopting 4DX by identifying key influencers who can champion the process and create a supportive environment for executing the 4 Disciplines.


To be successful, we need commitment from all team members, resources to implement the lead measures, and ongoing support from leadership to sustain the change. We also need to foster an open and collaborative environment where feedback is encouraged and celebrated.​​​​​​​



Grenny, J., & Patterson, K. (2013). Influencer: The power to change anything. McGraw-Hill Professional.


McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Simon & Schuster.


My Innovation Plan


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