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Vision: A Call to Action

PL Call to Action

PL Call to Action

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My vision is to foster a culture of continuous innovation within our organization. I see opportunities not as isolated events, but as stepping stones toward transformation. Here’s how I envision our path:

  1. Agile Adaptation:

    • We’ll stay agile, anticipating shifts in technology, industry trends, and user needs.

    • By adapting swiftly, we can seize emerging opportunities and remain competitive.

  2. Collaborative Exploration:

    • Innovation thrives in collaboration.

    • I envision cross-functional teams brainstorming, experimenting, and co-creating.

    • Together, we’ll explore uncharted territories, embracing diverse perspectives.

  3. User-Centric Design:

    • Our innovations must resonate with users.

    • I propose empathetic design thinking, deeply understanding their pain points.

    • By putting users at the center, we’ll create solutions that truly matter.

  4. Data-Driven Insights:

    • Data will guide our decisions.

    • We’ll analyze metrics, user feedback, and market trends.

    • These insights will validate hypotheses and refine our innovations.

  5. Incremental Revolution:

    • Transformation need not be disruptive.

    • I advocate for gradual changes that accumulate over time.

    • Small wins pave the way for significant shifts.

  6. Leadership Alignment:

    • Our leaders play a pivotal role.

    • I’ll collaborate with them, aligning our vision with organizational goals.

    • Together, we’ll champion innovation as a strategic imperative.

  7. Ecosystem Engagement:

    • Innovations thrive in ecosystems.

    • Let’s forge partnerships with startups, academia, and industry disruptors.

    • External collaborations infuse fresh ideas and accelerate progress.

  8. Learning Organization:

    • We’ll cultivate a learning mindset.

    • Regular training, knowledge-sharing, and curiosity will fuel our growth.

    • Learning from both successes and failures will be our compass.

  9. Celebrating Wins:

    • Each innovation is a milestone.

    • Let’s celebrate creativity, resilience, and breakthroughs.

    • Positive reinforcement fuels our collective drive.

  10. Legacy of Impact:

    • Our transformation journey will leave a lasting legacy.

    • I envision an organization known for its adaptability, relevance, and positive change.

    • Together, we’ll shape the future, one innovation at a time.

In essence, my vision is to create an innovation ecosystem where curiosity thrives, collaboration flourishes, and our organization evolves purposefully.


Module 1 - Instructional Design

Module 1 - Instructional Design
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Transforming E-Learning Through Interactive Video


What are your subject, level of instruction, and intended audience?

  • Subject: Creating interactive videos using authoring tools for e-learning

  • Level of Instruction: Advanced undergraduate or graduate level

  • Intended Audience: Students or professionals interested in e-learning design, likely in education or instructional design fields

What are the key institutional documents that will influence your design process?

  • Syllabus: Would outline course objectives, schedule, and assessment criteria

  • Course outline: Detailing weekly topics and activities

  • Accreditation standards: Relevant e-learning or instructional design standards

  • Fink's Taxonomy of Significant Learning: Used as a framework for course design


Are you using competency-based education (CBE) or outcome-based education (OBE)? Why?

This course uses outcome-based education (OBE). The learning goals in the Fink's table are clearly defined outcomes that students should achieve by the end of the course. OBE is chosen because it focuses on what learners should be able to do (outcomes) rather than just what they should know, which is crucial for a skills-based course like interactive video creation.


What design approach have you chosen? Why?

The design approach chosen is Fink's Significant Learning approach, as evidenced by the use of the Fink's three-column table. This approach was chosen because it provides a comprehensive framework that goes beyond just knowledge and skills, incorporating human dimensions, caring, and learning how to learn. This holistic approach is well-suited for a course that aims to transform online learning experiences.


How will you balance assessment Of/For/As learning?

  • Assessment Of Learning: Summative assessments like the final interactive video project and the portfolio presentation.

  • Assessment For Learning: Formative assessments such as quizzes on basics and peer reviews of interactive videos.

  • Assessment As Learning: Reflective activities like the self-assessment essay and learning journal, which encourage students to think about their own learning process.


Are you moving your learners into deeper learning? If not, why not?

Yes, this course design is moving learners into deeper learning. It starts with foundational knowledge but quickly moves into application, integration, and higher-order thinking. The human dimension and caring aspects encourage learners to connect the material to their personal and professional lives. The "How to Keep on Learning" section promotes lifelong learning skills.


Who controls the learning?

The course design suggests a balance between instructor-guided and student-controlled learning. While there are structured activities and assessments, there's also emphasis on self-reflection, personal learning plans, and student-driven projects. This balance allows for guided instruction while promoting learner autonomy and self-directed learning.


This course design demonstrates a thoughtful approach to teaching interactive video creation, emphasizing not just technical skills but also broader understanding, application, and continuous learning in the field of e-learning design. It aims to produce competent and reflective practitioners who can adapt to the evolving landscape of online education.

Big Harry Audacious Goal (BHAG)/ Foundational Goal/ Fink's Three Column Table with PD Principles 


Implementation Schedule:



Adobe Help Center. (2023, September 6). Create an interactive video with overlay in Adobe Captivate. Adobe.


Fink, L. D. (2003). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. Jossey-Bass.


Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the teachers: Effective professional development in an era of high stakes

accountability. Center for Public   Education. https://Teaching_Effective_Professional_Developmt.pdf (


Harapnuik. D. (2021). Assessment Of/For/As learning.

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